One of my most favorite games to play online is minecraft. If you are new to playing minecraft on your computer then it’s time for you to know the tips about how to tame a parrot in minecraft. When I started using minecraft I was a total newbie to the world of gaming. The only thing that I knew about is that there are zombies and you have to kill them with a gun. After playing for just a few days I got bored, so after searching the internet for something to do I landed on a website that had an amazing amount of information about all aspects of minecraft.
The first tip that I wanted to share with you: on how to tame a parrot in minecraft is that if you want to be an efficient jungle biome farmer then you need to learn how to tame the parrots. It is very important for you to know their behavior and how they behave when they are tame. As one of the most passive mobs in minecraft it also has easy move that different from others mobs. Because the mob is known as flying creatures all over the map like the cat, squirrels, rabbits and others it means other flying animals in the game like chicken, fox, chickens, etc. If you tame a parrot in minecraft you will have many opportunities of getting the rare leather which drop from the higher hives.
Another tip on how to tame a parrot in minecraft: is to look out for the rare flying mount mobs which you will find in the higher hives. These mobs are a lot tougher compared to other mobs and they have high health points. When you kill one of these mobs you can loot the health points which are not easy to get as they are scattered all over the map. So be sure to use your sharp items to kill them quickly.
For the last tip on how to tame a parrot in minecraft: you have to use the equipments that are made by enchanting. There are many of these available and the best place to find these is the Tinker’s shop. By using the enchanting bench, you will be able to find the enchantment books which will help you learn how to tame parrots. Just use the images via the book and you will have the perfect parrot in no time.
You need to be really careful with how to tame a parrot in minecraft: because all of those flying and non-flying mobs have many uses and you will be able to get a lot of seeds from them. As they don’t drop any seeds you can use this to farm any kind of flower in the game. You should pick beetroot as it is the most useful type of flower for farming. Beets are very tough to kill and only take a few seconds to fall off the tree.
The last tip on how to tame a parrot in minecraft: is the trick where you use the baby plants. There are many baby plants and each one has different effects. The baby plant that grows on the right side will make the monsters stay at that location when the owner is nearby.
If you are standing on the opposite side, the monsters will not move and they won’t attack you. You can get a lot of seeds from these types of plants.